Sainadh Gupta, DTM

District Parliamentarian

Sainadh Gupta, DTM

District Parliamentarian

Sainadh Gupta is currently serving as District 126 Parliamentarian. He is currently a member of Vijayawada Toastmasters Club and is a Distinguished Toastmaster. He has been a member of Toastmasters International since 2016 and had served in many leadership roles including Club President, VPE, VPM, Secretary, Treasurer and SAA. He was also and Area Director for 2019-20 in District 98. He achieved his Distinguished Toastmaster title in 2020 in the legacy educational program. He has conducted more than 100+ educational sessions at different levels and always looks for an opportunity to work in teams. Sainadh loves to travel, play cricket, badminton and watch movies. He has an avid passion for storytelling. For him, Toastmasters is all about people and camaraderie. He joined Toastmasters to improve his abilities in the areas of interpersonal communication and public speaking. This platform has helped him to propel in his professional career and also in achieving some of the personal goals.